Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Key Theories Of Desistance From Crime Criminology Essay
Key Theories Of Desistance From Crime Criminology Essay When a criminal is able to stop the behavior that characterizes his or her criminal activities, the gradual process involved is what is termed as desistance. Apart from the fact that it has practical applications for probation workers with criminal offenders from the community, desistance also has a strong link and connection in the rehabilitation of a criminal. However, it is evident that theories of desistance when compared to the theories of the start of criminal behavior have not been fully researched on and expanded in the field of criminology (Smith, 2007). It is therefore a good sign when studies of desistance increase drastically especially since the last twenty years; this has been particularly noticeable after the formulation of the life course theory that was done by Sampson and Laub. But as Piquero (2004:103) explains, continued research has been significantly affected by methodological and theoretical issues. Moreover, theorists in the field have not been able to come up with a universal definition of desistance. Consequently this paper endeavors to create a workable definition of desistance and to furthermore give a preview of the updated main facts and theories of desistance. Understanding desistance Oxford Dictionary defines desistance as, to desist or to stop doing something; cease or abstain. Applying this definition to criminology is however a bit technical. The big question is usually about time, if a criminal is able to stop a certain criminal behavior for four weeks for example, is it correct to classify him or her as an accomplished case of desistance? What is the recommended time for one to be sure that he or she is free from the crime? Developing a clear definition of desistance therefore becomes quite an issue especially since it is not well understood whether or not relapse and recidivism are crucial in the study of desistance. The option of observing a criminals past behavior to best highlights his or her possible future behavior is also still not well structured (LeBel et al, 2004). Laub and Sampson (2001) as a matter of fact agree that a definition of desistance cannot be made, they support that the questions in a particular research best deduce the definition of d esistance for the researcher (cited in Maruna, 2006). According to Shadd Maruna, for a habitual offender, any recognizable time spent without doing any crime is called primary desistance. However studies on recidivism and relapse cannot be complete without an outline of achieving long term desistance. Maruna goes on to therefore state that secondary desistance is when a criminal is able to change his identity and take an almost permanent direction to a life free of the initial crime that was a norm in his behavior. Studying secondary desistance is important as it seeks to understand how initial offenders can be able to keep a distance from their crimes. Desistance is therefore not the final result of the end of a crime; it is actually the process that is gradual and continuous till the end result of successful desistance. Sampson and Laub (2001) acknowledge that there is a huge difference between the stopping an offence and the continuous change to a crime free lifestyle. They mark that as compared to theories of offending, desistance theories have not yet been fully studied and explained, however desistance is now understood as the procedure necessary for acquiring a n accomplished state of non-offence. It is important that a criminal who wants to change must be willing to change his or her self identity and concept to be able to grasp the full context of change. Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) explain that on the contrary it is a common occurrence to find ex-offenders who have undergone desistance commit other acts of deviance, (cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003: 298). Desistance is therefore basically the ability of a former criminal to be able to completely withdraw from a crime and to maintain being in that state regardless of the challenges involved when trying to keep away. Some of these challenges are drug abuse and addiction, unemployment, few academic opportunities, social pressure and return to environments with high crime rates (Richards and Jones, 2004). Career criminals are those who have been criminal offenders for a considerably long period of time (Maruna, 2001). According to Laub and Sampson (2003), career criminals rather than small time offenders should be given more attention in researches on desistance. However another major problem in the study of desistance is the availability of completely successful offenders in desistance to the researchers in the field (Maruna, 2001; Burnett, 2004). Total desistance to many ex-offenders is quite a hard step as most of them usually end up going back to their initial criminal tendencies (Piquero, 2004). Addiction is a very significant factor that is more often overlooked yet its contribution to the whole process of desistance has a major impact on the ability of a criminal to completely change. It is therefore important to understand the connection between the two before arriving at a definition of desistance. From a number of researches it has been recognized that the link between addiction and criminal activities is actually very strong. A drug addict is therefore more likely to engage in crimes (Maruna, 2001). Moreover the cause of addiction and criminality are as a matter of fact very similar. Frisher and Beckett (2006:141) found that a large percentage of drug abusers are very active members in criminal gangs. Therefore, when defining desistance, it is necessary to note that the complete resistance of both criminal offending and drug abuse must be realized (Maruna, 2001). To achieve the purpose of this paper desistance can be described and defined as the initial process allowing quality desistance from drug abuse, criminality and other forms of deviance for an ex- criminal. Quality desistance in this case is the is the total termination of previous criminal behaviors together with other possible forms of deviance like drug abuse for at least ten years accompanied by a change in the identity of an individual. Desistance theories Ageing Age has been found to be a significant factor in criminology, as one grows older it is noted that their level of criminality greatly reduces. (Smith, 2007; Sampson and Laub, 2003; Gluecks, 1943; cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003; Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1990; cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003). In 2000 in the United Kingdom 19 year olds were found to have committed crimes fifty times more those which men of over fifty years had committed. According to research the total lifespan of a criminal is usually general considering factors like early deaths, imprisonment and when a criminal is evolving to avoid being detected (Maruna, 2006). In a research of 411 criminal males in London, Farrington (1990) realized that as the criminals grew older, their crimes reduced greatly with time but this however depended on different types of crimes (cited in Smith, 2007). For example, burglary is at its highest at age 20 while fraud and drug abuse offences record their highest at the age of 25 all the way to 30 as burglary sets on a steady decline afterwards. Nevertheless for the persistent hardcore criminals into their 70s, there was a clear connection between their age and their crime rates according to studies by Laub and Sampson (2003, 2005, 2005b). Furthermore they realized that alcohol and drug offences were their highest in the mid- thirties as compared to other offences. They finally came to a conclusion that both age and the type of crimes affect the whole process of desistance as well. However there have been different explanations to the not clear age crime curve. Developmental criminologists have been able to link the age of an offender and the capability of total desistance to childhood related issues. (Mulver et al, 1988; cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003; Nagin, 2005; cited in Sampson and Laub, 2005a) Offenders are therefore divided into two distinct groups, the adolescent and the persistent adult offenders. As a result it will be evident that in their late teens the adolescents will be able to grown out of crime and will be able to work on their social circles basically due to their education and good social integration skills. The adult offender however will find it very hard to terminate deviancy due to unsuccessful relationships, academic prospects and also due to their low cognitive capabilities (Moffitt, 1993; 1994; cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003). As a result of this theory, criminals are therefore grouped into two separate groups that are very different from each other due to childhood causes. And for any chance of desistance then one has to be in the right group. Sampson and Laub (2003; 2005a; 2005b) on the other hand are against that approach and explain that anyone can be successful in desistance irrespective of which group they fall in (2003:179). According to them childhood factors of offence do not determine desistance but instead help to explain the whole process of desis tance. Gottfredson and Hirschi have their views as well and point out that with the gradual process of growing old offenders usually find themselves stopping deviance (1995; cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003). They expound that for any organism there is always a stage of discontinuity that applies to criminology and the study of desistance and its links with age. Consequently, desistance becomes an expected phenomenon in the normal life of a criminal. Maruna (2001) however does not fully agree with this because according to him desistance, especially at the beginning, takes a huge amount of emotional, psychological and even physical effort and resources. Gluecks (1943) agrees with this too because he highlighted that desistance is from a change that comes with maturity, meaning, an offender gradually stops committing a crime (cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003). This process is more often evidenced after the age 25 when a criminal starts tiring and gets less involved with crime. This theory howe ver is not left out on the criticisms since it is claimed that it does not fully address the issue of age and its role in desistance (Maruna, 2001; Sampson and Laub, 2003). Acknowledging that age is a significant factor in desistance, Sampson and Laub (1992) further argue that the importance of turning points in life and social contacts is underestimated in the maturational reform (cited in Maruna, 2001). Life Course Theory A significant study on 500 men up to the age of 32 was carried in the 1930s and 1940s by the Gluecks (1943; cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003; 2005a; 2005b). Sampson and Laub later on in an impressive research followed up on 52 of these men and investigated on their criminal career to the age of 70. They found out that the causes of desistance and persistence are actually opposites, namely, deliberately productive agency, establishment of limits in social relationships and organized routine activities (Sampson and Laub, 2003; 2005a; 2005b; 2006). Their finding indicated that job stability, military service and marriage were able to positively contribute to achieving desistance. These turning points were realized in the process of desistance whereby an offender seeks to start a new life by changing location or even starting a new job like entering the military for example. This however does not necessarily involve starting over, sometimes these offenders work to gain back and maintain t heir original contacts like a job or a marriage in their quest to stop their criminal tendencies. Whichever path desistance takes these turning points often lead to: an elimination of the past chance for the growth and development of new social contacts that have a positive effect on an individual types of direct and indirect evaluation and observance of character planned routines with a central concern to family rather than peers circumstances allowing for change in identity and development of new scripts of a new self These factors, they explain are true and are not affected by the type of marriage and the crime life of an individual , though informal, parenthood and cohabiting have also been linked to successful desistance (Sampson and Laub, 2006; Katz, 1999). Individuals with none of these social bonds are also more able to stop offending because; in the end they do not lose anything. Rebecca Katz (1999:13) indicates that, families may play a significant role in developing desistance since family influences self control and delinquency. Life course theory emphasizes on the strong influence of the social environment to offending explaining that absence of criminal peers reduces the chances of an individual ever engaging in offences and in the end positive attitudes favoring change will grow (Warr, 1998; cited in Sampson and Laub, 2003). Life Course Theory contradicts the link between developmental theories in criminal careers and desistance. It agrees that adulthood experiences are essential as w ell but to some point more significant in establishing the possible trajectory of desistance (2003). Circumstances, structural set-ups and personal choices all work together to promote desistance. The theme that desistance is a systematic process that continuously gets renewed, underestimates the importance of research on personal encouragement and the influence of social environment (Sampson and Laub, 2003:171) Agency Yet another essential element that has been pointed out as key in achieving successful desistance is agency. (Burnett, 2004; Maruna, 2001; McNeill, 2006; Maguire et al, 2006; Maruna, 2001; Sampson and Laub, 2005 a). The theory of rational offence understands the fact that a criminal is able to make decisions based on his judgment of what is good or bad according to him in his crime life. Agency therefore works hand in hand with rational choice in the key decision making processes of a criminal. Agency is important since it assists in the overall process of making a rational choice. Furthermore, when the inconsistent prototypes of criminal activities are considered together with financial and familial challenges most criminal encounter the theory of rational choice cannot by its own back up volitions to desist (Burnett, 2004; Sampson and Laub, 2005b). In their study of the Gluecks men Sampson and Laub (2005a) discovered that agency was a necessary component in the process of desistanc e. There is more to the structural support in the process of desistance, agency is required to offer the determination and persistence part of the equation. Agency determines the will to keep moving on and only those who are persistent will be able to manage the whole process. Measuring the determination and charge to persist the whole process of desistance is quite a challenge and as a result creates yet another crucial factor in the concept of turning points (Maruna, 2001) (Sampson and Laub, 2005a:177). Moreover it is a quintessential component in the study of desistance and persistence in a criminal career that has however not been fully researched to date. In their research of the life course theory Sampson and Laub assert that they have been seeking to explain the importance of the human agency as an aid in understanding desistance and other deviance forms (2003:177). Knifing offà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
¸ ones past, has come out to be a vital element to describe the ability to be able to accomplish a successful desistance for some individuals. To achieve this voluntarily, agency is necessary since it is one of the most difficult things to do and needs a lot of determination. It is a process that is more often accompanied by cutting all past contacts and establishing new ones for example geographical location and family. Most importantly though, Maruna et al (2006a) explained that it can as well involve change from the inside, or a change in the way the offender thinks about him or herself, their past, and their environment. It is this positive change that motivates an offender to persist on and maintain desistance for longer (Maruna, 2001; Sampson and Laub, 2003; 2005a; Maguire et al, 2006). Contemplation time was found to be a crucial moment that assisted in creating a turning point to desistance according to a study by Margaret Hughes (1998). And it was found that the opportunity to contemplate came as a result of a change in geographical location, imprisonment and residential treatment programmes. Hughes participants found their desire to change develop when they removed from the usual environments and being able to get ample time for self actualization. Social identity Researchers have tried to explain the phenomenon whereby some individual are able to sustain long term resistance while others do not, and it has been discovered that apart from agency, an individuals self identity change is similarly necessary. When an offender creates a a different set of beliefs and perspective chances of maintaining desistance are normally guaranteed to some point (Burnett, 2004). That is why programs like the cognitive behavioral therapy and the 12 step that work to develop a change in personal identity are advocated for during incarceration (Maruna, 2001). Each and every individual, whether an ex-offender, offender or normal citizen has a unique self identity through which their actions are guided upon, it is therefore as a result of this mechanisms that give people the different circumstances they exist in. The significance of change in a criminal life is often subjectified by self-narratives (McNiell, 2006). More often though not a fact; self narratives have been of assistance when people seek to explain their actions. Narratives very often change throughout the life course and understanding narratives, helps individuals realize the significance of past and present events in our lives (Sampson and Laub, 2005a). In a desistance study in Liverpool, Shadd Maruna investigated the different self narratives of two distinct groups of offenders whereby one persisted and the other desisted, to account for the changes in ex-offender identities (Maruna, 2001). He was able to find out that both the desisting and persistent criminals actually had more or less the same personality characteristics and were not as agreeable and conscious as the general population. Self-narratives are the only components that divided the two groups after thorough interviews. Active offenders had what Maruna called a, condemnation scriptà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
¸ (2001), meaning, they saw life as an unfortunate abyss of hostility and uncertainty. They believed that circumstances had pushed them to their present situation and there was nothing they could do to change things and that the authority pushed them even further away. Desisting ex-offenders on the other hand had a positive outlook on their past and present and this is what assi sted them to continue with their desistance process. It is this self-narrative that may be the tool needed for successful desistance. The past and present life of an ex-offender is often different and this is almost basically due to the self narrative (Maruna et al, 2007). This self narrative attaches a psychological component to the real facts of the past and creates a purpose and meaning in the life of an offender. This is what brings about the positive outlook and assists in achieving desistance. In a study focused completely on religious changes of rehabilitated offenders, Maruna et al discovered that their self-narrative was interestingly altered after changing their religious beliefs (Maruna et al, 2006b). As a result the importance of this self narrative is once more highlighted as it helps an offender realize that the past can be changed and that the future has a hope even for those in long sentences. The offender is therefore able to have a new sense of identity, empowerment, purpose and forgiveness. The self narratives of most offenders in the desisting group have a common characteristic Maruna describes as, the redemption scriptà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
¸ (2001). This is basically the belief that an offender is a good person and that his or her past was merely as a result of circumstances of crime, recidivism and addiction. As a result of this, the offenders are able to endeavor to live new lives as they continue in with their desistance. They are then able to view themselves as role models with the necessary knowledge and experience to advice and educate the next generations, something Maruna calls, Making Goodà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
¸. The major difference therefore between the desisting offenders and the persistent ones is the positive energy they surround themselves with. Confidence and self belief are as a result pointed out to be essential qualities as they guide an offender to understand that their past was a necessary component for them to be where they are at the present. This redemptive narrative helps them realize that they are not their past and that their future is what that matters. The acknowledgement of a supreme power beyond them has also been a contributing factor in the lives of these offenders. This is because they realize that their past might have been a plan to give them the positions they hold in the present, like being counselors and youth leaders. This moral superiority and change from the past, according to Maruna, is to make up for long stretches of lost life. During desistance according to Stephen Farrall some offenders undergo long periods of creating new social identities (2006:85). However much these offenders change, it is not forgotten that they acknowledge they are responsible for their criminal past. Ideologies that ex-offenders feel responsibility and burden from their past crimes are actually not evidenced by researches (Maruna, 2007). Successful offenders in desistance often admit to the guilt of their past but they however rationalize their actions and justify or blame themselves and accept that circumstances might have pushed them to criminality. Sometimes however they do not accept their actions and believe that the society pushed them to crime. This however does not cultivate the necessity of an ex-offender to acknowledge the wrongs from past life rather than putting blame on the society and the initial environment (Maruna, 2001). The Liverpool Desistance Study prove that a concurrent characteristic of the redemption script is an offender accepting to take control of changing his future however they do not acknowledge their past crimes. However a concurrent observation is made that most candidates of successful desistance accept responsibility for their past and future and have the will to persist the challenges they will face. Maruna (2001:88) consequently gives the summary of the desisting persons narrative as: development of inner beliefs that truly describes an individuals personality a positive look at an individuals capability of changing in the future the purpose driven enthusiasm of giving back to the community particularly the next generation Life-Course-Persistent and Moffit Adolescence Deviance: Groups of Development Moffitts (1993) concept of dual taxonomy of offending similarly tries to explain the processes of desistance and persistence. Moffitt (ibid) outlined that offenders can be grouped into two; adolescent limiteds and life persisters. Moffitt proposes that the two groups are different and unique from each other in their offence and desistance processes, with the life course persisters having a different aetiology to the adolescent limited offenders. It is explained that they may be suffering neurological problems that affects their cognitive and learning skills. This is therefore evidenced by poor social skills even in the family leading to the various forms of anti social behavior and poor self control Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990). Early signs of antisocial behavior are a common characteristic of life course persisters (for example under-age drinking, premarital sex) as a result they are often excommunicated from their initial societal setting because of poor behavior, development and social bonds. Early signs of antisocial behaviors like these are normally a clear indication of a persistent criminal career in the future. This will be in connection to the age graded theory meaning there patterns of crime will be different and theirs will be a continuous cycle of events of affected marriages, work, education and relationships. Moffitt continues to argue that adolescent limited are not affected by any neurological problems like life course persisters and are able to successfully develop their social networks and cognitive skills. Therefore the causal factors for their criminality are connected to the gap between social development, age and desires. Age for example prevents them from engaging in adult behavior like sex or drinking. As a result of deviance from their desires, they tend to associate with the life course persister leading to the growth of their deviance. However, due to their developed social skills and academic success they are likely to be able to change more easily if they choose desistance. This is because they will be able to depend on their strong social bonds for support. Maruna (cited Laub Sampson 2001) explains that as a result of giving more credit to dispositional rather than personality traits, the proper steps involved in discovering the consistency of criminality is achieved. Sampson and Laub note that when personality traits do not change gradually with time people are still more often capable of making a change. Researchers therefore have to examine other factors influencing personalities like personal strategies and self-perceptions Maruna (cited ibid). Narrative script There are two distinct narrative script types in the desistance literature that highlight how criminals really view themselves and their societal roles. For the persisters their script usually has a concurrent theme of condemnation. More often they blame external conditions like poor family relations and lack of education for their criminality. They generally have an external locus of control. In contrast the offenders who finally become successful in desistance have a redemption script. They are complete opposites of the latter and are fully responsible for their actions. As a result they make a positive choice to stop the crime by accepting rehabilitation programmes. They are described to have an internal locus of control. Factors that influence the particular narrative script that gets adopted by a criminal are majorly internal factors such as personality and genetics especially after rehabilitation. A higher chance of a redemptive script is noted to be as a result of intense rehabilitation. A probation workers relationship with an offender has also been linked to affect desistance. It is there important for these officers to have empathy skills that are crucial in the process of guiding an offender to desistance as they strive to be able to re-integrate back into the society. Relevance of desistance theory The desistance theory is relevant in a number of different applied and academic professions. The desistance theory to researchers may provide a foundation to be able to examine the different factors that contribute to the cessation of a criminal offence from a theoretical view. The desistance theory allows for a number of different crimes in history and their approaches like the Lombrosian biological positivism, to have consideration in the present society which has an evident difference in its ways of thinking. As a result criminology is more understood and its relationship with other disciplines like psychology, politics and social policy acknowledged. This will consequently allow the development of collaboration for a positive cause of reducing re offence rates. The desistance theory on a practical level has assisted the criminal justice system (CJS) to identify possible solutions to cases of reoffending of successful candidates of desistance through for example initiating community based sentences. This kind of programme is sure to gradually decrease the number of criminals in HM Prison Service institutions for short periods. Studies have shown that short-term sentences in prisons for example (those for less than six months) often lead to increased crime rates after release. This is well explained by the fact that these short-term prisoners to not undergo complete metamorphosis from not covering all the rehabilitation programs. Their exposure to the hard core criminals in the prisons who have been there for longer and have been experienced criminals also contributes to their overall change. In addition desistance theory assists in the continuous development of training programmes for the respective professionals responsible for working with ex-offenders in the community. For example the Probation Service (see Narrative script section, above). Controversies It is important for the general public to realize that desistance is achievable and takes time. Offenders should therefore not be viewed as bad people who cannot live with others even after rehabilitation programs. The public is therefore advised not to discriminate these groups of people in their society. Reintegration cases of offenders back into the society have always caused massive outrages by a large percentage of the public community. There are numerous related cases of such circumstances that have often been quite difficult and delicate to handle. For example in 2011, the case of the reintegration of Jason Owen, he had been imprisoned for allegedly taking part in the killing of Baby P (Peter Connelly) in 2007, and in 2011 he was the released after his sentence was over. The Sun newspaper immediately kicked off a campaign to find him. Readers were urged to write and report to the newspaper of any knowledge of his whereabouts. There was an article in the same newspaper that sent sentiments of outrage over the fact that the ex-convict had actually tried to find a job. This is a clear indication of how the effort of successful psychological research can be nullified by news reports in the popular media. This kind of outrageous reporting is especially a common characteristic of Tabloid newspapers. Their influence over the public is often impressive and they are as a result able to manipulate and affect the attitudes of the wider public towards their view of desistance and offenders. As a result of this, future recidivism is often developed gradually due to the ill-informed public. Newspapers then use this recidivism as proof of their initial correctness. Conclusion
Monday, January 20, 2020
Old Vs Young - Tragedy :: Free Essay Writer
The older generation of people in the play can be contrasted with the two young lovers. The lovers portray themselves as rash and impulsive who are filled deeply with emotions. Their elders, on the other hand, have experienced more in life and are probably wiser, thus they see things from a different angle. This leads to the elders not understanding the feelings of Romeo and Juliet, hence causing conflicts, misunderstandings and pain to arise. The older generation in this play refer to Romeo and Juliet's parents, the Nurse and Friar Lawrence. I do agree that the older generation did play a major role in their children's destiny through their foolishness and good intentions, but not all blame is credited to them because Romeo and Juliet did contribute to their own tragedy. Fate also 'thwarted our intents'. Montague and his wife show themselves to be caring and loving parents. After the fight on the streets of Verona, Benvolio is conversing with Montague and his wife about Romeo. Lady Montague knows her son has been troubled lately so she is glad 'he was not at this fray'. Montague has observed his son's distress, 'deep sighs', 'heavy son' and wants to relieve his despair, 'as willingly give cure as know'. From here, we can detect the good intentions of Romeo's parents, thus we know that whatever choice Romeo makes, they would have rendered their utmost support to him. Older people are often thought to be wiser. Capulet admits that it is easy for 'men so old as we to keep the peace' which shows that the feud between their families can be resolved. However, it is clear that no effort has been put into ending their quarrel. This highlights the idiocy of the two men which leads to the tragedy because the young lovers could be happily married when the feud ended. Capulet has good intentions when he finds a suitable match for his daughter. Paris is a handsome and gracious gentleman. It can be said though, that Capulet is acting out of pure selfishness because he knows Paris is a relative of the Prince which is why he, later in the play, insists that Juliet marry Paris. Lady Capulet is absurd in her description of Paris, 'a flower', 'to beautify him only lacks a cover'. Her attitude towards marriage and love is so artificial and she seems more interested in the wealth and nobility of Paris.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
McDonaldââ¬â¢s Corporation Essay
1.0 Introduction Almost everyone said that customer service is one of the most important managements of the company or organization to run a business. The company donââ¬â¢t have a business if they donââ¬â¢t have customers. If actions are not taken to make sure that company has a good customer service, in the end it will affect overall performance of the company or organization. The commitment on customer service should always begin at first to make a company successful. Time by time, business competition is getting tougher and increasing. If the company or organization cannot provide goods or services when customers wants or needs it, that company or organization market will take over by other companies. To prevent this situation happen, the companyââ¬â¢s leaders or management groups must produce and provide goods or services to meet their customerââ¬â¢s expectations. Good customer service is the foundation of any business because it create a platform or idea to helps the company growth and also helps to increase company reputation. If customers are happy and satisfy with the goods or services that company produce or provide, They will becoming repeat customers by continue buying that goods or services. McDonaldââ¬â¢s Corporation or McD is the worldââ¬â¢s largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants. McDonaldââ¬â¢s headquartered is in the United States and was founded by Ray Kroc in year 1955 after he purchased the rights to a small hamburger chain operated by the eponymous Richard and Maurice McDonald. McDonaldââ¬â¢s first filed for a U.S. trademark on the name McDonaldââ¬â¢s on May 4, 1961, with the description ââ¬Å"Drive-In Restaurant Servicesâ⬠. McDonaldââ¬â¢s major products are hamburgers, different types of meat sandwiches French fries, soft drinks, breakfast, and desserts. In markets, McDonaldââ¬â¢s also provide salads and vegetarian sandwiches or hamburgers, wraps and other localized fare. There are local deviation from the standard menu at different country to follow local food taboos such as the religious prohibition of beef consumption in India. Today, McDonaldââ¬â¢s become one of the most successful fast food chain because they delivering on the highest levels of quality, service and cleanliness to all of its customers in each and every restaurant. Their key to continued success is always and continually monitoring on the feedback given to them by customers. 2.0 Content 2.1.1 Customer Service Theories The customer service theory is talking about to retaining customer loyalty and loyalty still is the main core. If the company donââ¬â¢t have the principles of customer service to serve their customers, a company cannot survive. Customers will continue support the company products or services if the company cares about customers, their comfort and concerns. Adam Smithââ¬â¢s famous Wealth of Nations (1776) said that customer service is the core of the basic theory of competition. If one company wants to success, that company needs to understand what kind of products or services customers need time by time. If not the customer will go to other companies get what they want to satisfy their need. Customer service is almost same meaning with customer satisfaction and customer loyalty and it links each other in a chain. Customer service can creates customer satisfaction, and at the same time, it also creates customer loyalty. 2.1.2 The concept of customer service Customer service related to the relationship between a product or service provider and customer. An organization need to meet customer expectations and satisfy the customer in order to maintain good image .Customer service relates to understand both the nature of the organizationââ¬â¢ customers. An organization need to identify customers according to different group. Customers are vary according to gender, age, social status and personality. Customers maybe one-time customers ,repeat customers or old customers. Each group have specific need for the business in term of service. Customer service behaviours include the factors of providing information, efficiency and following up the customers .The level of service provided depend on how the interaction between the organization and its employee. Therefore, attitude such as friendly, respect, polite, and helpful is important in term of variables. Employee can understand more the role they play in overall customer service within the organization and specific attitudes through employee training. Therefore, training need to refresh regularly to meet the change of customers need in service and competitors activities. Beside that, organization need to get feedback from customers in term of service. Good customer service depend on looking at customerââ¬â¢s perspective. Employee need to focus and discuss service issues on regular basis which can help them improve the standards of services. 2.1.3 Models Of The Improve Customer Service The new customer service model is customer service needs to respond to the social customer no matter it is traditional agent model or a new service community-based model or some combination . The core in customer service is how to minimize the problems and optimist the customer experience had .That is when there is a problem have to solve immediately ,the customer can be a first contact resolution by using multiple channels . Customer service is one of the part of the customer experience that is having the lowest price and the fastest deliver as well as reliable enough so you donââ¬â¢t have to contact anyone . Then your customer service improved. ( Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon) Through the study from RightNow & Yougov Plc in 2007 of 2800 British consumers proved that customer service can creates the real challenge because 69% of them complained between at least 1 time to the company .Over half of the respondents expected the problem to be fixed to their satisfaction .27% of the respondents claimed the problem was fixed to their satisfaction however 34% said no action was taken at all.(RightNow & Yougov Plc in 2007).. In this era of globalization ,citizens are relying to the cyber world so the customer service get problems especially communication problem .Therefore ,customer service has to concern about the social customerââ¬â¢s multichannel preferences to communicate . Customer play a important role as king .When they complain ,company must handle them well and provide a excellent customer service exceed the customer expectations . 2.1.4 Assumption For Improve Customer Service Customer service is important for a company. If doesnââ¬â¢t exist of customer service, I think consumer canââ¬â¢t get enough information to do their purchase. So, if hope to achieve successful on yours enterprise, you should more and more improve the customer service to reach the best way. As a worker or employee, attitude is a significant factor to serve your customer. No matter your customer is a child, women, or old people, you should respect them and serve them as well as possible. If not, you will lose the customer and affect reputation of company. Customers will more purchase your product if they feel they are respected by you. Otherwise, a company can offer face to face service. Service worker should be a good listener. Workers are supposed to listening what customer needs and problem patiently. This can help company obtain more information to satisfy customer needs. If workers doesnââ¬â¢t listen what was customer said, the customer will be feel doesnââ¬â¢t respected by you. Then the customer will have a bad impressive to our company. Next, worker training also bring large effect for a company. The worker that got training will be more experience. They can offer good customer service and provide more information about their product for the customer. If company doesnââ¬â¢t provide training for theirs worker, the quality of the customer service will very low. 2.2 McDonaldââ¬â¢s practices/operations Employee training Training is a crucial part in McDonaldââ¬â¢s with employees to give them the tools and resources they need to settle with complaints effectively. Employees should be encourage to identify customers who are dissatisfied and spread of potential complaints. This initial training is followed throughout the careers of restaurants ensure that they are always aware of the important of care and customers retention .Together with our manager, we also teach employees how to communicate effective on services either within the business . All new employees begin their McDonaldââ¬â¢s experience with an induction into the company. Staff trainers should work together with trainees to learn the operations technique necessary for running each of the procedure in each restaurant. All employees will understand how to operate food service equipment and gaining knowledge of McDonaldââ¬â¢s operational procedures through the training. Step-by-Step manuals and video tapes cover every detail, from how to learn communicate with customers, and how to provide good service to customers. Employees also learn how to train and supervise others. McDonaldââ¬â¢s also act as ââ¬Å"mentorâ⬠, to teach the interpersonal and organizational skills necessary for functioning effectively on any job for the first hired employee. McDonaldââ¬â¢s business requires teamwork, discipline and responsibility to work out the results in order to improve communications skills as well as self-confidence. For example, The Management Training Centre (MTC) is McDonaldââ¬â¢s prime UK training facility, to provide different type of business management and restaurant operations courses to franchise and management employees throughout the United Kingdom. The Management Training Centre also run few courses to give skills required by different levels of management, from restaurant shift management to mid ââ¬â management. Technology Today, McDonaldââ¬â¢s can receive and take note on customer feedback through the latest technology today. These technology also used by others retailers which in the customer service industry by record or take down customer contact either by internet, phone, or letter into a customer service database. By using the technology in the right way, McDonaldââ¬â¢s can ensure that every of their customer can receives an accurate, personal and in time response. Based on the chart 1 below, most of the feedback method from customers is the internet. After McDonaldââ¬â¢s had introduced the ââ¬ËContact Usââ¬â¢ page at McDonaldââ¬â¢s website, and it became the most popular way to let customers provide feedback about the McDonaldââ¬â¢s products and services. Chart 1: Feedback method from customer Beside that, in technology field, McDonaldââ¬â¢s also introduce free wireless internet access at almost every McDonaldââ¬â¢s restaurants. Customers will be able to connect the internet via their mobile phones, laptop, games consoles and more. This free Wi-Fi service will benefit a lot of their customers like business peoples or students who can check their e-mail, surf internet, read news and more. The companyââ¬â¢s president and CEO, Steve Easterbrook said: ââ¬Å"We hope that this will be a breath of fresh air and give greater choice for Wi-Fi hotspot users who have had little choice but to pay by the month or hour to access the internet on the move.â⬠Payment Before that, McDonalds do accept cash as a payment method only . Nowadays, technology are getting more advance in business field. McDonald provide a new payment method to convenient customers to make their payment either using debit or credit card for their meals. For example, IBM and McDonaldââ¬â¢s Launch New Cashless Payment System in UK. IBM and Mc Donald had launch a new cashless payment system for 1,300 McDonaldââ¬â¢s owned and franchised restaurants across the UK and Ireland for three year agreement .This system will operation by the end of 2010 which help McDonaldââ¬â¢s cater to the increasing number of customers using credit and debit card payments. By using this system, customer experience have improving by increasing the speed and security of service at McDonaldââ¬â¢s restaurant. This new system provide a secure way for payment service at McDonaldââ¬â¢s. Security level increased with anti-tamper and fraud detection software installed on hand held chip and pin devices to help protect customer card payment. It can let customers feel safety when using this system for payment. This solution also help McDonaldââ¬â¢s find a good way to operate its daily business more efficiently by centralizing business process into database which enable automated settlement and report. In this new era, IBM also provide technology consulting services to link and maintain the payment solution which is being designed and built around the McDonaldââ¬â¢s point of sale . 3.1 Problem Encountered By McDonaldââ¬â¢s Related To Improve Customer Service French fries of McDonaldââ¬â¢s were discovered contain higher content of trans fat. Trans fat can cause cancer and can worsen the quality of milk in breast-feeding mothers as well as increase the risk to get diabetes and obesity .Trans fat also reported cause low birth weight and lower immunity level in babies .The fries is danger to human reproductive function because the trans fat that contained will reduce the quantity of male hormones and effect the quality of semen. From this case, we can know about McDonaldââ¬â¢s doesnââ¬â¢t serve theirs customer in a proper way. McDonaldââ¬â¢s was received complain from vegetarians that doesnââ¬â¢t stated that inside French fries contain beef oil. McDonaldââ¬â¢s just stated the French fries were cooked in 100 percent of vegetable oil. This is not only affect the vegetarians, the Hindu customers also impact by McDonaldââ¬â¢s. McDonaldââ¬â¢s should not give the wrong information to theirs customer. This is because information very important when the customers make the decisions. Some McDonaldââ¬â¢s franchise was provided low quality of foods control. The burger had been complained is hard rock and hard to bite and the patty had lost itââ¬â¢s juicy .Furthermore ,the lettuce that was used is not fresh while the French fries is also hard because of over frying . McDonaldââ¬â¢s employee have big problem in the way to serve the customers .Moreover ,the crew are not well trained and low moral values .Some of the crews had been complained that they scolded customer loudly and humiliate the customer in public .The services are unsatisfactory and their attitude is worst .Hygiene of the McDonaldââ¬â¢s of franchise also in a bad condition.The McDonaldââ¬â¢s transaction accuracy is poor .The crew in McDonald had been complained in transaction accuracy when they gave the customer wrong amount of balance . They show their bad attitude to the customer and some customer was waiting longer time for someone to take order. Otherwise, employee didnââ¬â¢t show theirs smile face and didnââ¬â¢t say thank you to the customers when customer taking theirs food and drinks. Speed of service also is one of the problem that McDonald faced. McDelivery had extend its delivery time to 24 hours yet it still under the poor service .The food that had delivered is out of the consumer expected .The food that had delivered is already cold and not in good condition or the item that included is missing . The playground equipment is complained by the customer .The playground equipment that had in McDonalds is dirty and the lab test proved that the playground equipment is full with the dangerous bacteria , including antibiotic-resistant Staph or MRSA, known to cause potentially life-threatening infections . 4.0 Recommendations Some of the McDonaldââ¬â¢s branch should provide enough tables and chairs for the customers to dine in especially in peak time. It is because many of the customers come to McDonaldââ¬â¢s for their lunch but donââ¬â¢t have enough place for them to enjoy their meal. The tables and chairs also should spread out so the customers can easily walk through. The branch also should provide some facility to convenient customers like baby changing area, normal separate toilets for male and female, disabled toilet, baby chairs and more so that can improve their customer service and satisfy customers needs. From the customers feedback, they complaint that some of the McDonaldââ¬â¢s branch not in clean condition. For example, some customers found out there is cockroach and flies inside the restaurant. McDonaldââ¬â¢s also should clean the restaurant and do pest control for each and every restaurant. Employees also need to respond fast to clean the table especially during the peak hours. Employees should do their job responsibility to help customers in term of service to increase the image of McDonaldââ¬â¢s. Employees should show their moral value by greeting customer as well as possible. Employees should always be helpful, be patience, courteous and polite. They must listen carefully what customer needs. Besides that, companies are suggest to trained their employees to become fast respond when customers asking some problem. Mcdelivery service should always delivery on time. Employee must to be careful when taking order and quantity and avoid from mistake. McDonalds should improve the food quality .For examples ,the burger and the French fries donââ¬â¢t over frying because it will cause the customer hard to bite it .The lettuce have to serve in fresh and make sure the cheese melt enough before it served . The food also have to serve in hot so that it maintain the good taste . 5.0 Conclusion Until today, McDonaldââ¬â¢s continued become one of the most successful fast food chain in the market because McDonaldââ¬â¢s keep on monitoring and get the feedback from their customers. From the feedback they got from the customers, they try to increase and delivering better quality of foods and services to the customers including customer service by listening to their customers. Thatââ¬â¢s why McDonaldââ¬â¢s always stay ahead from other competitors. Customers play a important roles as a king .Therefore , the customer service is very important .The company have to serve the customer properly and improve their moral values and attitudes to satisfy the customers. In building strong customer relationships, factors such as trust, knowledge, efficiency, and friendliness are important considerations. These factor are the ways to build and retain customer base. From this assignment ,we had learned the moral values about how to satisfy the customer needs .We should not treat the customers impolitely. We had learned how importance of the customer service to the company. If a company donââ¬â¢t have a good customer service, they might losing customers and also it will affect company reputation and finally the overall company performance also decrease. Furthermore ,we also learned about team works and co operations .Without team works and co operations ,we canââ¬â¢t finished the assignment on time .
Friday, January 3, 2020
Cute Graduation Quotes That Say It All
Do you need to make a graduation speech? Whether youre the valedictorian, class speaker, or the featured guest speaker at the graduation ceremony, you dont want to put the audience to sleep. The crowd is already dressed in black, so you probably want to brighten the gathering with wit and wisdom. While its a formal occasion, you can show a little of your fun side at the ceremony. Here are cute quotes to sprinkle into your graduation speech. These quotes may also be appropriate if youre making a custom graduation card, writing a note to the grad, or posting them a message. After all, you dont want them to think that they are the only ones with the talent and brains to compose a cute but uplifting missive, right? Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way. -Dr. SeussYou have to be odd to be number one. -Dr. SeussYou have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. -Dr. SeussShoot for the moon. Even if you miss, youll land among the stars. -Les BrownJust about a month from now Im set adrift, with a diploma for a sail and lots of nerve for oars. -Richard HaliburtonGo for it now. The future is promised to no one. -Wayne DyerThe young graduate is discovering that among the necessaries of life, the most important is living. -AnonymousIf you think education is expensive, try ignorance! -Andy McIntyreHitch your wagon to a star. -Ralph Waldo EmersonLife has no remote. Get up and change it yourself. -Mark A. CooperMinds are like parachutesââ¬âthey only function when open. -Thomas DewarIf opportunity doesnt knock, build a door. -Milton BerleLife has a very simple plot: firstà youre here and then youre not. -Eric Idl eHeres the thing: the world is not going to issue you an engraved invitation to this life. -Sarah HeidtWhenever Id complain or be upset about something, my mother had the same advice: Darling, change the channel. You are in control of the clicker. Dont replay the bad, scary movie. -Arianna HuffingtonIsnt it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different. -C.S. LewisThere are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. -C.S. LewisThe difference between school and life is that in school youre taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, youre given a test that teaches you a lesson. -Tom BodettYou will never have more energy or enthusiasm, hair, or brain cells than you have today. -Tom and Ray Magliozzi
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